Daily Fans

Monday, June 27, 2011

Don't Get Hacked!

Hi Everyone so I heard lots of people are getting hacked one person I no who is and OLD hacker is nightmare but........she might of changed her name so DON'T search her ok?Ok I'm gonna tell tons of easy steps to NOT be hacked by a hacker and easy steps to say thank you to the person who warned you =3.

  1. Always lock your room!It doesn't matter if your favorites go low you can get it back later just ALWAYS lock your room on Hacker Season ALWAYS!Just lock your room for Pico Buddies Only.
  2. Dress like a Noob.If you do the Hacker would think your poor and go on to the other victiam other then you.Make sure there is NO ag item on you.
  3. Never give your ID and Password to a person you don't know even if there your FAKE brother and sister on Pico.
  4. Don't be on Hot 30 on Hacker Season!The Hacker will somehow hack you if your on Hot 30.
  5. Watch your favorites.If your favorites are going super low than before there MAYBE a hacker who faved your house and hacked it.
  6. If thier is a Fan Page that is name Ameba Pico and is fake and says that you have to give them ur ID and Password to them to get stuff etc etc DONT Fall for it its a SCAM.
  7. Say Thank you to the person who warned you=  =3
  8. To say Thank you to the Person Follow her blog.
  9. Ring and Prop her also fav IF your not a hacker ♡™ᶬᵣᶳღᵅᶬᶥ ᵋ ♡
  10. THANK YOU!

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