Daily Fans

Monday, June 27, 2011


Never trust this DAM JERK you know why?When I was a small you stupid girl I chat a lot and look up to her a lot I gess she thought I was annoying and she just KICK me out of her room I was lie WTF I'm a DAM KID you don't have to do that I was stubborn back then DUH??????I was stubborn then deleted her she was all MAD GOD.Also She deleted all her old family members which is my family Kevin and Tayeon.Kev use to be my enemy =P But now I ♥ Them Now ♥Mike-kitkat♥™ IS A TOTAL JERK.

  1. She Deleted all her poor friends.
  2. She Said she didn't DITCH us while she was rich
  3. She Cuss at her OLD Friends
  4. She hate us and Cuss and Punch
  5. She Really mean
  6. Thats all ^0^ I warned you ^-^
  7. For Anne:This is my Feeling EXACTLY like yours when your mad so don't get me wrong I can write what ever I want

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