Daily Fans

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Poor Begger~

Hey Guys!~So I went to a asian supermarket and bakery.When I went in the backery I notice a man sitting outside.I beeged my mom to give him like a 1 dollor bill,she finally agreeded and gave me some money.As I headed out with my bun I gave the poor man the dolloer bill and went in the supermarket.Went I came out he disapeared.I was shock cause He said God Bless You and maybe O.o Hes God!Well everyone whos reading this or play pico when ever you see a begger I just ask you please give him some money.Do you knowhow hard it is to live in the streets I don't think so.You live in a cozy house with your family while the person lives in the streets with rats and bugs so please be nice and help the world!~

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