Daily Fans

Friday, August 19, 2011

Beachy Beachy Photo Contest~

Hey Guys!~I want to annouce that we are having a photo contest!~The 5 winners in 5 days get to have:Ring,Prop,and Food for the whole week.Here what you do:

Theme:Beachy or Hawaian~

  1. First you take a picture either wearing your best Hawaian clothing or Beach Bikkini.You take the picture with either prinscreen or the pico camera.
  2. Second,Edit the picture if you want but only slight edit is allowed~
  3. Finaly,Post the picture on my page with your name.I'll tell who the winner every-single day with approvments from my authors~
  1.      What do the winners win?
  • One week of props,ring,and food.
     2.Will authors get to join?
  •    Yes.If they wish so :D

            What is Allowed
  • You can take pictures with print screen or pico camera.
  • Yes you can edit it but only slightly.
  • 2 Pictures are the max to enter.
  • Friends can win the prize with you!
  • You can do actions with your pictures including talking.
  • Plz do not change your name or face :D
      What is NOT Allowed
  • You can not enter more the 2 pictures.
  • Do not change your face or name on Pico.
  • Make sure to put your friend name and yours if they are in the pictures.
  • Photo Contest will end on the Augest 22,2011.
   Photo Contest Will End On Augest 22,2011!~

                                             Good Luck Guys!~


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