Daily Fans

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Stories about my Guinea Pigs ( For fun X3)

                           A Sad Loss
   It all started the day before.  My 2 guinea pigs were happily bonding together. I asked my sister Elise to refill their water bottle.  Seems like she didn't tighten it. Overnight, the water bottle started leaking.  We didn't hear them swuaking "Help! Help!" because they were staying in the garage. When it was about 10 a.m., I went to check on them. I heard the smell of guinea pig feces and DEATH! I ran over to their cage. 1 guinea pig named Shadow didn't survive the flood. I wasn't really sad. I had one more guina pig. Princess. We dug him up near a crab apple tree. We laid flower baskets for him. We were happy when Princess survived. But something sad happened to her, but that's ANOTHER story.

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