Daily Fans

Monday, August 1, 2011

New Name New Gold =D

™ωᶥᶢღᵝᶥᵗᶜᵸ ᵋ
Hey Guys!~So I play Pico alot now and I BEGGED my dad to get AG and He did he got me a lot and now I could as much as I want but IM TELLING YOU ALL HACKERS BACK OFF OR ILL HACK YOU BAC!SO anyway I changed my name:

™ωᶥᶢღᵝᶥᵗᶜᵸ ᵋ.
™ωᶥᶢღᵝᶥᵗᶜᵸ ᵋ
 ™ωᶥᶢღᵝᶥᵗᶜᵸ ᵋ
Isn't is awesome!Also I changed my Salon But thats the next post =D.Cya~

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