Daily Fans

Monday, June 27, 2011

Pico is kinda.........Boring

Hola everyone!^0^ Today I have some issue........Pico Is KINDA boring like there no games on it and the Casino is taking our C$ away ALOT!I'm losing lots of stuff and the gacha ain't fun anymore cause you don't get cool stuff like in old times we would get white boots or a nice bed and tokens but now getting a token is RARE now all we get is ballons food and clothings for noobs like SERIOSLY? They got to do something about that.I heard that Pico is gonna have a farm quest but there still doing it i heard tis like LONG ago why is it taking so long?I'm gonna yawn at every hour if they don't like do anything right away cuz lots of people are quiting already its just so *yawn*.SEE this is what I meant come on Pico I o ur better the this == .

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