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Friday, September 2, 2011

School :'(

Hey Guys!~I'm sorry I didn't post anything it's because I have school and well..........I can't go on a lot except for the weekends which I'm really busy -.-".I haven't seen my friends at all and I miss them dearly.Zen and Twix not on so I'm like bored out of my mind keep my accompanied btw don't forgot to tell your friends about our blog I'm struggling to find fans but I bet some-day this blog will rock pico ;D.Its been such a hard year for me let me tell you My Story~.By the way from now on I'll tell you what happen at school.

August 29 2011

    It was a hot day.I woke up excited for the second week of school.I can smell my mom cooking asian food ( which are good ).I woke up hurriedly and brushed my teeth as usual then changed my clothes.That day I wore a T-shirt and jeans.I ate a quick meal then my mom drove me too school.I went in the turn around area jumped off the car and ran to class.My friends greeted me when I reach class.As you can see we just studied for like 4 hours then we went out for recess.I would chat to my friends about tons of subjects.By the way as for the guys~I have lots of guys friends and girls and usually their all stalkers so.......Yeah.The bell rang and as a tradition we have to get out on the black top ( we were on the field )and freeze until the teachers blow their whistle.When we heard the sign I say bye to my friend in other classes ad head to my class.The same thing happened study study study.The day in school was nearly done but we got free time.The bell rang for OUT OF MY CLASS NOW so I grabbed my backpack ran to the turn around and waited for my car.Finally my mom came and picked me up.I went home did my HW took a shower and went my friends house.We played the piano together and then played Wii it was awesome more like girly but I'm in the middle so not much.Her mom asked me to eat.I felt guilty and embarrass but I just took the offer.What should I do?I'M STARVING.After I ate I played a little.It was 9:00 o'clock.My mom called me home I brushed my teeth and slept.

August 30 2011
     "Ami Ami wake up" cooed my mom.It was a new day and I have to go to school I groaned and so on so on you know what happen BUT let me tell you Friday *-*

September 2 2011

  So you know what I did wake up,brush my teeth,change my clothes,and eat.So as I go to school as i said all my friends greet me.One of my guy friend told me -.-" some dude likes me and another one another another you get the whole point everyone likes me in my class except the nerds ( one does ).Always awkward silents ROFL.Anyway one even cried cause I chose my dude friend to be my partner -.-" but I feel bad for him like I have tons of friends and well it just suck having to many and to like them all AS A FRIEND so I just chose a dude.After that the dude who cried wanted to beat someone up so.......O.O.SEE YA


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