Daily Fans

Friday, September 16, 2011

Long lost friend! :'(

Hey guys!So as I said I have school and always it suck!!!!!Homework homework and more homework .But do not worry I go on Pico my dear friends it's created more gay items such as the Cinderella stuff IT SUCK.Really 800 tummies for each one?Anyway as I said now in the present Zena is my like totally close friend but there was a slight problem.I met her EX boyfriend and things went out of hand.She followed me with out warning and well you know.....YELL YELL BLAH BLAH.I send tons of stuff like letters and all but she's my friend THO but no on Facebook she deleted me - 3 -.So I'm worring alot about her cause well she's my close friend now that Twix is not on a lot.She act different cause she's locked up in her friends house and the other she typically don't hangs out with me a lot like in the past.I know I'm being selfish but it's just I'm use to it.You can't blame me for losing my best friend ever!So guys if you ever see her ( Her name is Orange Chicken funny huh? ) just like tell her I'm rally sorry!Thanks Guys your the best!

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