Daily Fans

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Quited and Delted

Daily update to my life I had quitted the GrandeRoyal family due to loneliness and sadness LOL .Anyway I had risked a hard friendship and sadly it's not going well.......I had noticed my friend ( not known name ).Have been acting weird lately. It quickly shattered my heart as I look for new friends that will soothe my wounds. Further more I have decided to QUIT the family cause of sorrow. I do not wish to have comments asking why I had quitted cause I had just explain - . -.I will miss all those all the people who were close to me ( My dad, sisters, friends, etc ).I hope you have many family meetings and I wish you joy and happiness. I'll miss you all!
My dear sister.Also my friend!I love you Reg I hope someday you deserve you AG.
My adoring sister.Also my friend!Zena your the most fascinating girl I met!Keep on shining!
.Caring Father.Papa I love you your the best dad ever besides my real one LOL.You check on me every time!
Poor Sister.Also friend!Twix your the most imaginary gal i ever met!
Movie Pro Sister.Also Friend.Kat you are SO good at makin those movies I LOVE them!

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