Daily Fans

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Noooo! Ami!~

Ami started school. Now I'm all alone. I'm starting school next week on monday. (I'M THE LAST ONE D:)
Well anyway, I've made SOME new friends....... and I got a new boyfriend.... WHEEE! His name is ⓣⓨⓛⓔⓡ and he's so sweet. But he's a little akward..... LOL Well anyway.. I'm going to be posting as much as I can until Monday. Oh yeah, AMI- If your reading this, YOU NEED TO GET BACK ON PICO GURRRL.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Beachy Beachy Photo Contest~

Hey Guys!~I want to annouce that we are having a photo contest!~The 5 winners in 5 days get to have:Ring,Prop,and Food for the whole week.Here what you do:

Theme:Beachy or Hawaian~

  1. First you take a picture either wearing your best Hawaian clothing or Beach Bikkini.You take the picture with either prinscreen or the pico camera.
  2. Second,Edit the picture if you want but only slight edit is allowed~
  3. Finaly,Post the picture on my page with your name.I'll tell who the winner every-single day with approvments from my authors~
  1.      What do the winners win?
  • One week of props,ring,and food.
     2.Will authors get to join?
  •    Yes.If they wish so :D

            What is Allowed
  • You can take pictures with print screen or pico camera.
  • Yes you can edit it but only slightly.
  • 2 Pictures are the max to enter.
  • Friends can win the prize with you!
  • You can do actions with your pictures including talking.
  • Plz do not change your name or face :D
      What is NOT Allowed
  • You can not enter more the 2 pictures.
  • Do not change your face or name on Pico.
  • Make sure to put your friend name and yours if they are in the pictures.
  • Photo Contest will end on the Augest 22,2011.
   Photo Contest Will End On Augest 22,2011!~

                                             Good Luck Guys!~


Uh Oh!

I went to our fanpage today, and I wanted to click on one of the article links! But since we changed our name to Pico Daily, I haven't been able to find the articles I've been looking for. It ticked me off a bit. Is this happening to anyone else???

New member!!~

We had recived another member.Again be nice to her cause shes the sweetest tooth you ever had ZEN!~

Friends on Pico X3



Fave song!


The Show Goes On

Lupe Fiasco

The Show Goes On Link

FML in Pico~!

Hello~! FML IN PICO!!!! When I was in Pico, I was asked to be in a SITCOM. I said yes, and I followed my friend ßυηηιCøøkιε.( Her name looks nice <.<) I got to know her friends ^_^ I was in the bad guy group so I had to look racist xDD  But when we were starting to practice the sitcom, I had to practice my oboe. :/ 30 minutes passed by, and they already practiced the sitcom. I asked what did they use for me when I was AFK? They said someone else did. I WAS LIKE; FML FML FML FML FML FML!!!! I went home and did some gachas. I got a token on my first try. I bought an action called "Pout". I started posting events saying "FML FML FML 3X" and "BETRAYED AND REPLACED". I hated Pico and wanted to leave. Bunni apologied but the others didn't... DX The next day, I started posting the FML events again. Nobody replied... YOU BETRAYERS!! I will keep updating. Reply if I should quit Pico or not!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Poor Begger~

Hey Guys!~So I went to a asian supermarket and bakery.When I went in the backery I notice a man sitting outside.I beeged my mom to give him like a 1 dollor bill,she finally agreeded and gave me some money.As I headed out with my bun I gave the poor man the dolloer bill and went in the supermarket.Went I came out he disapeared.I was shock cause He said God Bless You and maybe O.o Hes God!Well everyone whos reading this or play pico when ever you see a begger I just ask you please give him some money.Do you knowhow hard it is to live in the streets I don't think so.You live in a cozy house with your family while the person lives in the streets with rats and bugs so please be nice and help the world!~

Stories about my Guinea Pigs ( For fun X3)

                           A Sad Loss
   It all started the day before.  My 2 guinea pigs were happily bonding together. I asked my sister Elise to refill their water bottle.  Seems like she didn't tighten it. Overnight, the water bottle started leaking.  We didn't hear them swuaking "Help! Help!" because they were staying in the garage. When it was about 10 a.m., I went to check on them. I heard the smell of guinea pig feces and DEATH! I ran over to their cage. 1 guinea pig named Shadow didn't survive the flood. I wasn't really sad. I had one more guina pig. Princess. We dug him up near a crab apple tree. We laid flower baskets for him. We were happy when Princess survived. But something sad happened to her, but that's ANOTHER story.

Thanks X3

Thanks guys ♥

Follow and read this blog! We'll keep you posted!

~ ♥Bat♥

That's me! Fave our rooms!

New member!!~

Hey Guys!~My Sister Bat is now a member of our blog so give her a warm welcome! FOR BAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fan Of The Etoiles~

Hey Guys!~So as you can see there a family called Etoiles.There really nice and talented they made tons of intersting video.You should really check it out.I think there really smart cause geting the Sony Vegas Software is to hard O.o but at least I got Window Movie Maker 2 for free..Anyway I want to say GO ETOILES FAMILY!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oh Sailor Moon!

Sometimes, I can just get SUUUPER bored. I even get bored of Pico sometimes. And you know what I do? MICROWAVE SOME FRIGGEN MARSHMALLOWS! (I could be really weird but radiation thrills me) It's soooo fun. And I don't buy regular sized marshmallows, I  buy the JUMBO sized ones. They're like 3 marshmallows in one. 

Sorry Gotta Go! My marshmallows done!


New Page~

Hey Guys!~Isn't my friend great at posting :D.Anyway we made a page for Pico Maniacs!We would Post to you everyday now that we have 2 blog writers :D.Like the Etoile Blog we will try our best to rock your world with news about pico.Make sure to like our Page :D I'll smile for you if you do :).Cya!~

Hey Pico Maniacs!

Hey there Pico Maniacs! I'm ♡sαяαᾔgнαε♡. Like my username? Well anyway, Ami is such a great friend that she let me become a writer on her blog! (ILY U AMI) So you all must be wondering , Whose this new writer freak? Is there something wrong with her? OMG she's totally gonna ruin the blog!

Okay, don't worry. I'm not here to ruin Ami's blog, and I'm not a freak. I'm just here to.... you know- BLOG. So anyway, My real name is Reina, I'm pretty funny, (according to Ami) and I'm hanging out with Ami 24/7 on pico. Hope that's enough for you to chew on. (unless your a total stalker and want to know EVERYTHING about me)

See ya maniacs! Keep reading!

A Sweet Loving Bf~

Chris ♥
Hey Guys!~Im Sorry for not posting a lot it's just I'm really busy cause school starting.Btw there a new mermaid gacha :D.It's really cool so check it out!.So I just Got a bf whos 11 year old (which is 1 year older then me).Hes really sweet and all but he =( ditches and plays with his friend all the time.I'm not sure we even like each other much.I really like him but he has to pay more attention to me like he play with his friends like ALOT.Cya Guys <3 Keep in touch~

Kev Quited

Hello Everyone!~To let you know Kev was not posting daily so I think he quited cause he never posted a post so I had add my friend Twix to our blog.She will let know everything taht happens on Pico.So Please girve her a warm welcome for Twix if you meet her!She is a sweet sweet-heart so always be nice to her!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Above and Beyond Trailter

Hey Guys!~I Just made a Traliter for my new video Above and Beyond I can't wait!I told all my actos to be on at 3:00 and I think this will take 3 months for just a short seris story!~The Oringinal Movie is this Below me.I think it's one of the best video so I'm make an Ameba Pico version So stay Tuned btw its in 3 parts!     

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Royal Pic

Hey Check out this awesome pic I took with my family!It took me a long time but I finally go it.We have over 100 members some piss me off some don't LMFAO.I know it sucks but our family still need to know each other so these are one of the people I got a long with.Also Now I'm the Highest Princess!~The Grand Princess!CYa GTG!~


Hello Etoile Family!~I want to say sorry and will kick the members who made the sighn and the blog.The creater of Gяαηdéяoyαlé never made the blog our sighn just the name so we apoligize cuz of our members.We are Really sorry btw IM A FAN!Let us join in peace!~ -Admin LMFAO


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Poser?!??!?!?

Hey Guys!~So I made and Event called Bich World?And this girl came AND SHES MY POSER like im surprised but I'm mostly pissed off cause well THIS IS MY LIFE this is so awkward -.- like my own poser?INCREDIBLE.So if you guys see her tell me cause well MY PROFILE!~Her name is:
  • иι¢кι(
  • иι¢кι(
  • иι¢кι(
  • иι¢кι( WANTED

Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm In~

Hey Guys~So I was looking in event and so Gяαηdéяoyαlé need members and you know what?IM IN THIS IS THE HAPPIEST MOMENT EVER!I'm hoping to be the princess cause well I do =D but I'm so happy that I had a chance even tho I dont have a crown which really sucks =.= BUT I GOT IN PRINCESS PRINCESS >:3.So Im in contact with them as family =D

New Spa Part 2~

Simple As Ever~

New Spa~

Whole View
Entrance To Spa.Check-in Desk~
Desk For our Workers~
Hair and Nail Area~

Area For Spa~Bath,Shower,Play Carridge~
Kitchen For our Workers:Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner
The Bathroom With Toilet Paper!~

New Name New Gold =D

™ωᶥᶢღᵝᶥᵗᶜᵸ ᵋ
Hey Guys!~So I play Pico alot now and I BEGGED my dad to get AG and He did he got me a lot and now I could as much as I want but IM TELLING YOU ALL HACKERS BACK OFF OR ILL HACK YOU BAC!SO anyway I changed my name:

™ωᶥᶢღᵝᶥᵗᶜᵸ ᵋ.
™ωᶥᶢღᵝᶥᵗᶜᵸ ᵋ
 ™ωᶥᶢღᵝᶥᵗᶜᵸ ᵋ
Isn't is awesome!Also I changed my Salon But thats the next post =D.Cya~

New Bff!~

Hey Guys!~So Kev and Tay had quited Pico because Kev like maplestory and Tay got hacked more then once so I got nothing to do so I tried to get new friends =D.I went to a fun party (you don't want to know) and found her shes really nice and funny xD her house is beautiful so I advise you to Fav her.She loves my house and I love hers its so simple so nice elegant you know what I mean?I bet my cousin will love that house cause he LOVES simple houses but his is hideous xD.So DONT fav him xDDDDDD.GTG Cya Guys~