Daily Fans

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Me, Myself, And I.

OKAY, before Aimee made a post with pictures of her, my turn now! I'm the same age as her, although I'm really stylish :) Well anyway, I cut my hair shorter so it's like, down to my shoulders now (bummer I hate short hair) SADLY, my pictures aren't edited like Aimee's, I was too lazy and didn't have the time, so here you go!

First picture, weird face, and those things on my fingers are wax finger thingies I made :3


Can't get enough of my cup of noodles.

I LOOOVE sunglasses

I like taking cute pictures with my stuff..... like food. I do cute things with it to :P
At school, I'm known for my wild hats. This isn't even wild compared to the ones I have in my closet!

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